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Increasing usage of wireless sensor networks represent the importance of this technology in human life. Energy limitations in wireless sensor networks, where sensors are constituent elements have always been considered as the most important challenge facing this technology , so, much of the research in the domain of Wireless Sensor Networks is dedicated to the topic of energy. Given the choice of routes for transmit sending data in wireless sensor networks has a significant impact on network energy consumption, so this study propose a new routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks to increase the network lifetime. proposed method consider the history of energy consumption of sensor nodes, the number of neighbors of sensor data sent, and the distance from the source to the destination (one-step) and by calculating optimal weight for each of these parameters has a great impact on network lifetime. Simulation and comparison with known and efficient methods show the goodness of proposed method.
University of Zanjan
Computer Department
Master’s Thesis
A New Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks to Increase Network Lifetime
Abbas karimi
Majid meghdadi
September 2014
- . Over The Air Programming ↑
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- . Mobile Adhoc Network ↑
- . Cellular Systems ↑
- . Location-based Protocols ↑
- . Data Centric Protocols ↑
- . Hierarchical Protocols ↑
- . Mobility-based Protocols ↑
- . Multipath-based Protocols ↑
- . Heterogeneity-based Protocols ↑
- . QoS-based Protocols ↑
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